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About Me

I'm not a designer but I did tried my best making this portfolio as neat as I can make it, I'm more confident in solving algorithmic problems, that is what I enjoyed the most. I am flexible though, I would take any job related to programming and I confident to say that I can learn any language given time.

Dev Tools:
JavaScript, C#, php, MongoDB, MySql, html, css, JavaScript Frameworks(React, Express, Node)

More About Me

I can edit videos(using lightworks) or edit pictures(beginner knowledge).

My Projects

Here are some of my work but dont worry, I will add more in the future.

eCommerce Website

Functional website with database
Used frameworks & extensions: Node.js, Express.js, Heroku(Server), MongoDB(Database) Vanilla JavaScript.

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eCommerce Website (React Ver.)

This uses the same database as the first one , same design.
This project has more Features and is meant to test my react skills, again the project's frontend is not very good but everything I put in there is working Hosted via Heroku

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Social Media Website, single paged, uses: MongoDb, React, Node, Express, hosted: heroku

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This is a dummy form, no database on this site yet.

This is a map of SM Megamall.